Tour Visuals

Are you going on tour and need tour visuals to blow away your audience while you perform? We offer comprehensive package solutions, visualizers, VJ loops, to open and close your set. You can also use the visual content for song releases on your Youtube afterwards. There has been a huge surge in demand for concert visuals ever since Anyma started his project and went viral on social media. Contact us today. We’ll listen to your whole set and build as many custom clips as you need to completely customize your performance. A huge part of social media growth today as performing artists is making a visual performance worth taking your phone out to record and post on social media. This is some of the best free organic marketing you can get.

Dzeko ā€“ Wu-Tang (Feat. Lil Yachty)

Long time collaborator and DJ friend Dzeko from Toronto, Canada reached out to create a Capri, Italy inspired visualizer for his feature song with Lil Yachty.  

Dzeko – Brooklyn Mirage Tour Visual Recap

Dzeko requested an hour of tour visuals for his opening at the Alan Walker show at Brooklyn Mirage in August 2023. This is one of the largest outdoor club screens in the world at this point so it was a perfect opportunity to make a bunch of branded visuals. His request was something between the jewellery brand Chrome Hearts and something trippy and psychadelic like what The Beatles do. I personally flew down to attend the show and it was one of the most awesome experiences of my life to see all the animation on the big screen with thousands of fans.

Brandino – Tour Visuals for Noto Houston

Brandino from Houston Texas requested Gundam Wing themed visuals that would match an epic dubstep performance for his first headline show at Noto Houston. I used Cinema 4D and X-Particles and rendered quite a few days to get the reflections out. We created a cinematic ten second countdown for his opener to get the crowd ready. Should be a rockstar dubstep opener!

DJ John Easy

Toronto-based DJ John Easy requested an hour of tour visuals based on his love of pizza, mafia movies, and his pet dog. I used a combination of Cinema 4D and experimented with AI to output an hour of visuals to play at the various nightclubs he has residences at on King St in Toronto. He also requested I deepfake his face onto characters from Night At The Roxbury. It was an interesting project to experiment with some of the new AI tech that came out in 2023.

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